Sunday, July 15, 2012

"no rhymes, no embellishments"

Have you ever seen the movie "Atonement"?
If you haven't please proceed to your Netflix account 
(or nearest Blockbuster if that's the case) and for the love of god, WATCH IT! 

Ok, I have to admit that maybe this movie isn't for everyone. 
Some people find it rather slow, but that's alright, because every frame is a work of art. 

Each scene is impeccable and exquisite (I hate that word but I really can't find a better adjective), 
the colors and the lighting are as daunting as they are haunting, and the dress...
god, the  infamous green dress Keira Knightley 
wears near the beginning of the movie is just too perfect.  
I once read the silk was so pure and so fragile they had to 
 have an extra spare in case  the fabric tored, ripped or something.  
This green dress is what Scarlett O'Hara's  green dress 
 was  back in the   Gone With The Wind Days. 
Heck-it may just even be  more beautiful than Audrey's Givenchy 
black dress from the opening scene of Breakfast at Tiffanys. 

Also, there's this amazing five-minute war sequence   that was made in one shot. 
It's just the kind of movie that when it ends you're just  like "fuck..." 
and that's all that you'll be able to say. 
It's the kind of movie that, if you're anything like me, stays with you for a while. 

Now, GO! watch! 


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